
Five Years Later

On the 5th anniversary of Andy’s death by heroin, I offer this as a collaborative piece; whereas I wrote the words and Andy helped move me past the pain so I could.

In all of its various and seductive forms, the problem of addiction is ego. Addiction is simply one of its favorite weapons used for personal and planetary destruction.  First it lures us in, seduces us into believing we are safe, then withholds the reward we seek until we 'need' it but can never get enough.  Meanwhile we steadily drift into an unconscious stupor as ego goes about destroying everything and everyone around us.  At some point after we have gone completely insane the end comes.  Unmercifully, and seemingly just to prove the power it has over us, ego commits suicide by taking the life of its host.

If there is addiction in any form in our life, ego is ruling our world.  But therein lies another clever tool invented by ego to help keep us unconscious:  Projection.  After all, rational people would never admit to following the counsel of such an insidious trickster, much less having it inside, but we will project it out and criminalize those who do, thus feeding right into ego’s hand.

How can we fix it, in all of its insidious forms?  By flipping it over.  Ego cannot ‘live’ being seen in the light.  It will be hard, and ego will go berserk, but we already know what happens when we keep it in the dark.

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